Monday, October 13, 2014

QoinPro In Review Free Bitcoins every 24 hoursI have personally found very few legitimate sites online, that are upfront, honest, and even look like they will deliver what they promise for one's time and effort. Along with my partners, I have reviewed many, only to come across ridiculous fine print, pyramid schemes, scam alerts and the likes.

So, when a partner brought QoinPro to my attention, I didn't expect much. I knew very little about cryptocurrencies.  However, upon an extensive review, I was pleasantly surprised and joined the QoinPro community along with several other associates that immediately saw the benefits.

It is completely free to join QoinPro and there is no time limit on your membership. As a faucet they deliver, on a daily basis, small amounts of quite a few cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, to name a few. This is based on a referral system that increases the percentage rate of coins you receive per referral down to seven levels .

This tends to raise a question with some people who are worried about pyramid schemes. Having a background in marketing and promotions, I understood that this structure can be a very effective marketing plan if done properly. Many companies use similar legitimate plans to promote their sites. The two main things one should look for in these situations are: A. Do I have to buy anything? and B: Do I have to sell anything? If yes, other questions would then arise. I then gave QoinPro an A+ in the area of marketing because both of these answers are no in their case. This in effect creates a win-win for everyone.

QoinPro founders post their backgrounds along with pics. Their history, mission statement, vision, and policies are simple, easy to read, and found at the top of the page in the About US section. They also have very friendly and informative support staff that get back to you reasonably quickly. The site also includes basic educational info for crypto beginners.

So far we give QoinPro an A+ as a long term investment strategy.  To join or get more info simply click on the link below:

Thanks for the read. We'll be  posting more art and crypto updates shortly.